Monday, December 21, 2009


Sometimes the zeitgeist is best described in arts and music. The danish super act says it all - Denmark is turning international.

The country is opening up to the world and everybody who has a sense of timing is welcoming it.

Watch the fans contribution to the theme here:
DanmarkDenmark VideoVideo

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2010 - the year of the web tablet

Kirpus predicts 2010 will be
the year of the web tablet

The Scandinavian/US magazine publisher Bonnier gives a more detailed idea of the lay out and user interface (UI) with Mag+.

"But what is the fuzz about" - you ask?
If you are a frequent reader of newspapers, magazines, RSS feeds, social media updates or newsletters - this trend is going to include you too. Because this time the content providers are prepared, able and willing to pitch in - like Time Inc [See link].  Time Inc. and others might enter the market with a subscription plan, like 3g and cell net providers. I believe they all learned something from the music & movie industries battle against on-line media.

As blogged about by Buzz Beast the Apple iTablet is just one device to push the market forward. Here you see a picture of the JooJoo tablet (see video links below) and how about  the Microsoft Courier tablet?

Kirpus throws an Google web tablet on top of the others. The  Google tablet will enter the market at a low price and Google OS - with all it's own features, apps and adds.

In 2012 the web tablets will become a mega-trend and the iTablet is going to penetrate and change the market so much faster than the iPod!

You are going to want this, it's only a matter of the price tag.

See the JooJoo demo video at: Buzz Beast: JooJoo Internet Tablet or The JooJoo
See the demo video Bonnier Mag+ presented by design partners BERG
See the Apple iTablet/Time Inc. demo video at: Kirpus Says - I can't wait for this to happen
See the Microsoft Courier demo video here

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Buzz Beast - cool concepts & gear

Once in a while you stumble upon something cool like this

... and you just have to blog about it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009