Wednesday, October 18, 2023

I en tåge af narcissisme

Når jeg vågner i en skygge af dis, 

ser jeg silhuetter af håb der rejser sig fra natten for at finde nye græsgange. 

Når min hånd giver slip på disen, 
driver det som tøris mod det sidste hjerteklap af anerkendelse. 

Dis bliver til tåge, ligesom anerkendelse bliver til lys. Alt jeg ønsker mig er menneskenes bifald, før bifaldet langsomt fører mig tilbage gennem tågen igen.

Mennesket er født i fællesskab, i en hønsering af forpligtende anerkendelse. 
Giv mig den!

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Celebration while the neighbors are disappearing 

Looking away doesn’t make us innocent, it makes us complicit!

With all the information in the world, we still choose to believe the propaganda. By not questioning the agenda we are supporting it.

Nobody will save us this time. If we fight the resistance, it will be over before we know it and history will tell us that we wanted it this way.

If we do not dare to look into the darkness, we are the darkness

It took us less than a year to join the dark side of the medical industry, science labs, and fascist governments. The prison we are building is the prison we will live in. What deals have the governments made on our behalf? What guarantees have they given? How will we have to repay them?

There will be no Us vs Them this time. The resistance is our subconscious, our hope for the truth. They are the ones who dare to question. They fight for our rights, so why do we fight them?

It could be you but you have too much to lose, so now we will lose it all. If we think this through. It starts with an endless dept and total control and could end in genocide. Our worst fears could come true. We did this to ourselves and our children. We gave away our last chance to save their lives.

Shame shame shame ..

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Come join the slowest-growing religion in the world

I, my own dude, need peace at heart and trust in my future
I am the hand that throws the ball, and the pins that fall

- perfectly

Easy regards

Rev. Kirpus at his Dudiness
Ordained Dudeist Priest at Dudeism, the Church of the Latter-Day Dude

Monday, March 28, 2016

The blank space of Life

Some days it feels like I am off track, lost in space, not really there

The Silence

A couple of months ago I went on a silent retreat for 4 days, with one question "Who am I?". For 4 days, I asked myself the same question over and over and over again, until it lost its meaning - I became the question. Basically, the question got reduced to "I". 
It turned in to a philosophical dilemma, because all that was left was the question. I did not find any answers, just more questions. Like always, I question. everything. I seek progress, to see the other side, to understand what's behind the obvious .. And sometimes that leaves me hanging in limbo for a long time. I try to rationalize the in's and out's, the intangible and the obvious, the right's and wrong's - and I have also come to the Einstein conclusion that everything is relative. Relatively inconsistent, and that leaves a lot of room to ponder ..

So there I was, accepting the fact that I live in a constant question. "I" am, right there in the middle of "Who am I" and the answer .. That blank space where the question has left the mind before it answers "You are ..". The second the answer comes up the question resolves - it's no longer relevant, because, if you have the answer, there is no need for a question, or is there..? If everything is relative, the answers only existential right is in relation to the question. Without the question, you only get half of the answer. And I wonder ..

In the end, I had to accept that this is who I am, what humanity is, the question
Our human consciousness is curiosity, we live the question. 

So here I am, living as a consequence of a billion factors that had to meet, to make me - the blank space, or the perfect hybrid of Q&A = Awareness. And that, in essence, my friends, is humanity. Love is the energy that holds the universe together, the spiritual is what makes it aware of its existence. For some reason, that spiritual energy had to materialize as planet earth, with love driving life as we know it, and the human beings as conscious awareness. This leads me to the statement above "humanity is the question/awareness/curiosity".
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience - G. I. Gurdjieff

That's it - or is it?

That's it, but not all. It seems as we have forgotten the question and only live by the answers. If humanity is the answer, what is the question? For some reason the spiritual energy had to manifest itself into a physical awareness to .?? I'd like to know. 
These days it seems as our answers are predominantly being ruled by religion and capitalism. If we look to the media it seems as humanity is a destructive force of ego's that is willing to sacrifice all for .. what?  That leaves room for another question, for what? Apparently, this destructive force of ego's is being supported by something beyond our reach. I doubt we will ever know the answer to that, but live the consequences. The question is, what are the consequences of the blank space in between the Q&A? Is this "life"?

There I go again, of on my mental journey, into the blank oblivion ..

All I needed to know is, am I Ok? Is it OK to be me? Is it OK to live on a question alone? The awareness in me says "yes - that is the essence of life". The body says "no - we need to make money!", which is only fair. The physical manifestation wouldn't make much sense if I let it starve under a bush in the forest, the physical manifestation needs food and fun too ;-)

The difficulty lies not in solving problems but in identifying the questions

So the real dilemma is, is it OK to earn a living questioning life? Of course, it is.. lot's of people do because they studied and have great titles to their names. But here's the thing; they study answers and forget to question, in essence. Without the question, the answer is relatively weak.

Accepting the blank space

It is hard to live in the blank space for too long. The ego needs to be acknowledged by being able to give answers and possibly making money doing so. True artists produce questions and thrive in this, while floating in the blank space, without being able to give the answers. We, the audience, live the answers and feed them back to artist. True artists can survive the blank space for a lifetime, like David Bowie e.g. But most get beaten down by their egos. (That was an answer to something ;) However, I am not an artist, I am a question.

What are we?

I've been asking a lot of questions all my life, none were given, all were experienced. The fact of the matter is, I've come a long way to be who I am. I've had to make a million choices to be where I am now - just like you. Who you are in relation to me, is the question now that you read this. If I am me, who are you and what are "we"?
These past days I have spent asking myself "is it OK to be me?". Is it OK to ask people to go on this journey with me into the blank space, and I think it is. Does it make sense - hell yeah! It's the meaning of life. Come along!

- come -